The New Lands Museum | Sala 13 - VIVERE A CASTEL SAN GIOVANNI - Museo delle Terre Nuove
La sala racconta come si vivesse bene a Castel San Giovanni a partire dagli inizi del 1400, passata la Peste Nera.
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Room 13


This room illustrates how well people lived in Castel San Giovanni from the beginning of the 15th century, after the Black Death had passed. The town, as attested to by documents of the time, was economically independent from the “mother city”; and the declarations submitted by the people of Sangiovannesi to the Florence Land Registry Office in 1427, containing a list of assets, debts and credits and the make-up of households, indicate prosperous social and economic conditions. Prominent figures who left Terra Nuova to find their fortune in the large cities include the painter Masaccio and the historian Poggio Bracciolini. The large carpet that takes up the entire room shows a contemporary view of San Giovanni.