The New Lands Museum | Sala 5 - LA RIVOLUZIONE URBANA DEL TARDO MEDIOEVO - Museo delle Terre Nuove
Tra la fine del XII secolo e gli inizi del XIII l’Europa fu invasa da una sorta “febbre urbanistica”: alcuni piccoli borghi vennero rasi al suolo per costruirvi sopra, altri furono adattati alle nuove esigenze urbane.
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Room 5


Between the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th, Europe was gripped by a sort of “town-planning fever”: some small villages were levelled so that the land could be built on, others were adapted to new urban needs. Creating a new town was something of a gamble for the founders, however. This room has a series of multimedia displays that explore both completed projects and some literary background: these include the ideal city described by a Catalan priest named Francesc Eiximenis between 1381 and 1386.